During my career I have won numerous leadership awards and amongst them I was recognised as a Nurse of The Year in 2018 by the prestigious British Journal of Nursing. In 2020 the prestigious International Magazine Esquire gave him the honour of proclaiming Joan "Man of the Year" for his important work during the COVID pandemic.
Equality and Diversity is at the heart of every action and project that I do. For that reason, in 2015 Joan won the E.N.E.I. Equality & Inclusion Champion of the Year and in 2014 NHS Employers gave Joan the Personal, Fair and Diverse Champion Individual Award
Cavell Nurses Trust also awarded me the Cavell Star in 2021 for my contribution into Nursing and charity work.
Amongst another awards in 2013 I shortlisted for prestigious Kate Granger Award. I have been shortlisted several times for the Nursing Times Awards and the Royal College of Nursing Awards.
My projects have also been shortlisted by numerous awards and won the Best Emerging Solution for Patient Safety at the HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2020 and the IT &Digital Innovation Award at the HSJ Value Awards 2020 and in 2017 won the HSJ Award for improving Patient Safety.
-Winner of the 2013 DCHS Extra Mile Award for Outstanding and Compassionate Care
-Finalist at the HSJ 2013 AWARDS at Primary Care Innovation category
-Finalist at the 2013 HSJ EFFICIENCY AWARDS at Workforce Efficiency category
-Winner of the 2014 GB CARE AWARDS East Midlands Frontline Leader of the Year
-Winner of the Nurse Tweeter of the Year 2014 organised by Nursing Times
-Finalist at the 2014 EUROPEAN DIVERSITY AWARDS at Diversity Hero of the Year category
-Finalist at the 2014 KATE GRANGER AWARDS for Compassionate Care
-Finalist at the 2015 EXCELENT IN DIVERSITY AWARDS at the Diversity Champion Public Category
-Finalist at the 2015 East Midlands NHS Leadership Academy Recognition Awards at the Emerging Leader Category
-Nurse of the Year Finalist at the BJN (British Journal of Nursing) Awards 2016
-Finalist at Zenith Global Health Awards 2016
-Winner of the 2017 HSJ Award at Improving Patient Safety category (Kissing Goodbye Sepsis)
-Highly Commended as a Flufighter Champion of the year at the Flu Fighters awards 2017 (FluBee)
-Finalist at 2017 Nursing Times Awards at Improving Patient Safety category (Kissing Goodbye Sepsis)
- Winner of the Nurse of the Year award at the BJN (British Journal of Nursing) Awards 2018
-Finalist at the BMJ (British Medical Journey) Awards: Emergency Care Team of the Year (Saving Lives in Sepsis)
-Finalist at Nursing Times Awards 2018 at the Nurse Leader of the Year category
-Finalist at the BJN Awards 2019 at Best Innovation Category (FluBee)
-Winner of the Man of The Year Award 2020 organised by the prestigious Esquirre Magazine
- Winner of HSJ Patient Safety
Awards 2020: Best Emerging
Solution for Patient Safety (FluBee)
- Winner of HSJ Value Awards 2020: IT & Digital Innovation Award (FluBee)
-Finalist of the HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2020: Best Partnership Solution for Improving Patient Safety (FluBee)
-Finalist of the HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2020: Infection Prevention and Control Initiative of the Year (FluBee)
-Finalist of the HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2020: Patient Safety Innovation of the Year (FluBee)
-Finalist of the HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2020: Best HelthTech Solution for Patient Safety (FluBee)
-Finalist at Nursing Times Awards: Infection, Prevention and Control (FluBee)
-Cavell Star Winner in 2021 for my contribution to Nursing
-Guinness World Record as the Fastest Man to Complete a Marathon dressed as a Pint of Beer at the London Marathon

- Winner of the Guinness World Record as the Fastest Man to Complete a Marathon dressed as a Xmas Cracker at the Berlin Marathon.

- Part of Global Health Excellence 2023 List put together by Zenith Global Health.

-The Inclusive Awards: The Diversity Power List: 50 of the most profound champions of inclusion, diversity professionals and D&I Leaders across the UK.

-Winner of the 2023 NASEN award: NHS England Choices College as Best Specialist Provision of the Year.

-Finalist of the Patient Choice Award at The Royal College of Nursing Awards 2023.
- Finalist at Nurse of the Year Award 2023 organised by The Nursing Times.
-Finalist at the National BAME Health and Care Awards: BAME Nurse of the Year 2023.
-Finalist at the National BAME Health and Care Awards: Inspiring Diversity and Inclusion Lead 2023.
-Finalist at the Nursing Times Workforce Awards: Diversity and Inclusion Champion of the Year 2023.
-Finalist at the Nursing Times Workforce Awards: Overseas Nurse of the Year 2023.
-Finalist at the Zenith Global Health Awards: Diversity, Inclusion and Equity category.
-Finalist at FabAwards: Fab QI Individual Award.
-Winner of the BBC Make A Difference Awards 2024 Carer Category: Awarded to someone who improves the life of an individual or group of people through their helpfulness, compassion and support.
-Winner of a Special Recognition Award from Mary Seacole Story Tellers Programme.

- Finalist at ADMIRABLES 2024 Awards: Nurse of the Year Award Category, organised by the prestigious Spanish Magazine Diario Medico.
-Finalist at in the Learning Disabilities and Autism Awards in
the Frontline
(NFP) category.
-Finalist at in the Learning Disabilities and Autism Awards in the The Outstanding Contribution category.
-Nominated for the Positive Role Model Award for Disability at The National Diversity Awards 2024.

-Finalist at Nurse Leader of the Year Award 2024 organised by The Nursing Times.

-Finalist at the National BAME Health and Care Awards: BAME Nurse of the Year 2024.
-Finalist at the National BAME Health and Care Awards: Ally of the Year 2024.
-Finalist at the National BAME Health and Care Awards: Clinician of the Year 2024.
-Finalist at the National BAME Health and Care Awards: Health and Wellbeing Advocate of the Year 2024.
-Finalist at the Nursing Times Workforce Awards: Diversity and Inclusion Champion of the Year 2024.
-Finalist at the Nursing Times Workforce Awards: Overseas Nurse of the Year 2024.
-Finalist at the Nursing Times Workforce Awards: Manager of the Year (Non-clinical) 2024.